Private Fundraiser Party:
$10.00 Includes Admission & Regular Skate Rental
Admission is charged for everyone entering the building during your fundraiser
If you have less than 50 people attend your fundraiser we keep the $6.00 admission cost with your Group
If you have over 50 people in attendance your group keeps all of the $5.00 admissions collected
You keep all money collected for
Donation Jar
50/50 Raffle
Silent Auctions
(Your group must provide all materials necessary and be in charge of running these options)
(The Skatin’ Station will donate Silent Auction Item for your fundraiser)
Other ideas to raise money during your fundraiser may be but are not limited to
Hiring a Face Painter (You can charge whatever you would like)
Selling t-shirts, buttons, car decals or other material supporting your cause
A pie in the face- Nominate a good sport to get a pie in the face, announce that if (x amount of dollars) is raised by a certain time that person will get a pie in the face in front of everyone
These are just some of the options available, we are open to any ideas you may for fundraising
Your group chooses the music and games that are played during your fundraiser
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We are excited to be offering local schools a free skating party for the second year, during the 2017-2018 school year. We are thrilled at how many of you have taken advantage of this program so far. Please take the time to read through my email and forward it to your PTO and anyone in charge of planning, coordinating or fundraising! Feel free to contact us with more ideas, questions or to book your parties! We would be happy to meet with you in person as well. We look forward to working with you all again this year!
Along with the offers and ideas below, we are also offering free reward booklets for each of your teachers and office workers. These reward booklets allow you to reward your students for anything you'd like, fast and easy! Tear one off, check the box next to what you are recognizing them for and you're done! Students can redeem them here at the Skatin' Station for a free admission and a free drink! If you would like us to drop some off to you, or you are in need of extra pencils at any time please let us know! Be sure to ask us about our field trip packages!
Attention all DeKalb Central School principals and PTO members! The Skatin' Station wants to help you fundraise this school year! How will you spend the extra funds!?
Most of you already take advantage of the discounted cost of a school skating party that is offered to our local schools, but now it is even better! With discounted party rates now comes a FREE skating party when you have three parties in a school year. This free skating party can be handled in your choice of two ways.
How can you use your free skating party?
Option #1- Free Skate
Offer your entire school a free skating party at no cost to you and free admission to them.
You may invite their families to join or make it exclusively for your students.
This party can be used as an incentive to challenge your students do better in the area of your choosing, or as an award for what they have already done well.
Option #2- Fundraiser Skate
Option number two is what has us the most excited! Your free skating party can be used as a fundraiser skate to raise money for whatever you may need!
Funds raised at this skate will be given directly back to your school!
You can book your four parties in any order you'd like, so If you would like to use the funds raised to pay for the cost of another skating party you may do so.
You can choose the admission amount we that will be charged at the door for each skater based on what you think your students can afford. (Typically Between $2-$5)
You keep all of the admissions to use for anything your school may need.
Additional ways to fundraiser during your skate
Plan a bake sale
Allow students to donate handmade artwork to be auctioned off
Sell shirts and other school spirit wear
Have a silent auction with donated items (The Skatin' Station will donate)
Hire or find a volunteer face painter
Pie in the face (Let students nominate a teacher)
What's the cost of each party and who pays for it?
Luckily for you, we have two options that make it easy for any school to achieve their goal of three parties and earn the free party.
Option #1- Building Rental
Your school can pay one rate so the students at the door will have no admission cost.
Option #2- Students Pay
Your school pays absolutely no money to rent the building and students will be charged a fixed rate at the door for admission.
How do we make your party a hit?
We will provide you with advertising materials including flyers to be posted around school as well as handouts to be sent home with the students leading up to your nearest skate.
A "School Skate Tonight" yard sign can be set up to remind parents at drop off and pick up the day of your party.
We can come the day or the week of your party during lunch or recess time to get the kids excited, we can even bring Roller Roo and educational booklets on the benefits of roller skating.
An event on our official Facebook page can be created so that staff and PTO can invite parents and keep them informed.
Party reminders should be added to your morning/afternoon announcements.
You can send an automated phone call as a reminder.
Other specials may be available to your school even if you are not able to book three parties this year. If your school hasn't booked a party in the last two years you may be eligible for an additional discount. Please contact us when you are ready to book or with any questions you may have!