
All Night Skates are the last Friday night of every month in October-April from 7PM-6AM.
Late Night Skates are the last Friday of every month in June-September from 7PM-12AM. During these sessions (unless advertised otherwise) there is an open skating session from 7-10:30PM for skaters who aren't staying all night.

All night skates are $25 per skater. This includes admission from 7PM-6AM, regular skate rental for the entire night, a slice of pizza and a drink. Speed skates / Inline rentals for an All Night Skate Are $6.00 All Night Skates are October-April
Late Night Skates are $15 per skater. This includes admission from 7PM-1AM and regular skate rental.
No regular open skate time on these sessions. Anyone who is not an adult supervising a child must pay admission and skate rental even if they are not skating. If you have your own skates you do not have to pay for skate rental. Non skating adults are no charge. Late Night Skates are May-September.

We do not have a set age restrictions. We ask parents not drop children off unattended if they don't trust them, if they cant skate well enough or aren't old enough to use the restroom on skates and if they cant tie their own skates. Everyone is welcome, but the crowds drawn by our all night skate events are commonly pre-teen and teenaged. Parents and families are welcome to stay all night as well.

There is adult supervision all night long, anyone not able to follow the rules will be asked to leave. Please make sure your children understand our rules before you leave them with us. For the fun and safety of all our customers, please do not leave you child unattended If you are not confident that they can follow our rules.
No sleeping
No pillows or blankets brought in
No outside food or drinks
No smoking, vapping or tobacco use
No fowl language
No kissing or other forms of PDA
No in and out privileges (once a child leaves they can not come back in)
No fighting, bullying, or violence
If a child wants to leave early parents must come inside to pick them up
Parents must be here for pick up in the morning no later than 6AM